Welcome!Seja Bem-Vindo!
The Portuguese Flagship Program (PFP) at the University of Georgia is the first and only of its kind. Intended for UGA undergraduate students with a unique commitment to reach the highest levels of Portuguese and apply those skills in a professional context, the PFP offers an unprecedented opportunity for motivated students to internationalize their academic experience. For many it will also serve as a stepping-stone into an international career. More than a study abroad program, the PFP is structured to complement the student’s major area of study from the moment he or she arrives at UGA. Participating students also benefit from accelerated classes, regular group or one-on-one tutorials, Skype partners in Brazil, rich cultural events, support for immersion experiences both in the US and abroad, and a capstone year studying at UFSJ – a leading Brazilian university – and completing a semester long internship in Brazil. Throughout their four years of study, PFP students strive to achieve superior proficiency in Portuguese and gain insight into how this skill and body of knowledge will create future opportunities. We encourage you to browse the site and contact us, or just visit us at the PFP office.
Seja bem-vindo ao PFP!

Director, Portuguese Flagship Program
The Language Flagship
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=18799809 width=640 height=480 anchor=http://www.portflagship.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/playtfl.png] Click to view the video.
The UGA Portuguese Flagship Program is funded by The Language Flagship, which is sponsored by the National Security Education Program.
Our Students
Portuguese Flagship Students come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Each are working towards unique professional goals that are greatly enhanced by fluency in Portuguese. Learn more about our students here.

Monique Anderson
Field: Health Promotion

Paul Ardila
Field: Political Science

Emily Escoe
Field: Public Relations
Why Portuguese?
Why Brazil?
Portuguese is currently the 7th most widely spoken language in the world. Also, the rapid growth of the Brazilian economy (now the 6th largest worldwide) is causing a surge in the demand for Portuguese speakers. Home of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics (in Rio de Janeiro), Brazil is on the rise, as is the Portuguese language. From Europe to Africa, Asia to North America – with large Lusophone communities in the US and Canada – knowledge of Portuguese has never been more important. Graduates from Flagship centers are highly sought after in both the public and private sector, and gain a competitive edge when applying for jobs, graduate school, and scholarships. The Portuguese Flagship Program is accepting applications now from UGA undergradate students.
Find out More…

Add Portuguese to Your Academic and Professional Skills
- Full-time undergraduate student admitted to UGA.
- Commitment to working towards a Superior level of Portuguese (ACTFL tested) upon completion of program.
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident, to be eligible for possible federal funding.